
DIABLO statistics for feeder2.ecngs.de on Fri 14 Jun 2024

Newsfeed Contact: HD Elbracht

Generated on 20240614 2358 by feeder-stats v4.006. Copyright © 2002 The Diablo Project.

  1. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Article
  2. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Volume
  3. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Estimated Rejected Volume
  4. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Time
  5. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Article
  6. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Volume
  7. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Estimated Rejected Volume
  8. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Time
  9. Summary of Outgoing Queue
  10. Summary of Curious Activity

Diablo running processes:  39    Dnewslink running processes:  38

 00:05:38 up 97 days, 10:00,  0 users,  load average: 31,27, 32,06, 32,46

/dev/sda                      440G    6,8G  410G    2% /news2/spool/news/00
/dev/sdb                      440G    7,7G  410G    2% /news2/spool/news/01

1. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Article

Incoming Feed (+ Top1000 #)Accepted%Acc%TotArt/secVolume%VolKB/artCheckIhaveSpamTooOldRejsErrs
1 feeder.ecngs.de   45004123 71.94 55.32 520.88 30.77TB 71.45 734.11 53886362 0 0 0 8674102 0
2 feeder1.feed.usenet.farm   32249706 87.23 39.64 373.26 11.18TB 25.97 372.31 36958332 0 0 0 11724 0
3 feeder5.feed.usenet.farm   3306626 17.49 4.06 38.27 1.10TB 2.55 356.62 18873057 0 0 0 35075 0
4 iqoq.erje.net   252490 22.28 0.31 2.92 2.94GB 0.01 12.20 1132205 0 0 0 1177 0
5 sxng.erje.net   204903 31.83 0.25 2.37 4.29GB 0.01 21.94 643037 0 0 0 672 0
6 kotz.erje.net   161262 14.09 0.20 1.87 1.94GB 0.00 12.61 1137038 0 0 0 7414 0
7 ixni.erje.net   62522 8.13 0.08 0.72 1.07GB 0.00 18.01 767699 0 0 0 1158 0
8 imqag.erje.net   55672 14.57 0.07 0.64 941.05MB 0.00 17.31 381378 0 0 0 766 0
9 irena.erje.net   17229 4.28 0.02 0.20 185.32MB 0.00 11.01 402631 0 0 0 372 0
10 feeder8.news.weretis.net   11236 40.75 0.01 0.35 38.31MB 0.00 3.49 27556 0 0 0 19 0
11 vsrv1.fsn.de.weretis.net   10557 41.04 0.01 0.29 35.86MB 0.00 3.48 25685 0 0 0 38 0
12 feeds.phibee-telecom.net   6380 12.19 0.01 0.41 29.80MB 0.00 4.78 52198 0 0 0 132 0
13 srv1.nyc.us.weretis.net   2741 7.48 0.00 0.15 8.98MB 0.00 3.36 36602 0 0 0 21 0
14 vsrv1.qas.us.weretis.net   1753 22.85 0.00 0.16 5.13MB 0.00 3.00 7660 0 0 0 11 0
15 askin-17.linkpendium.com   0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00KB 0.00 0.00 2 0 0 0 0 0
Total 81347200 0.00 100.00 942.51 43.06TB 100.00 568.38 114331442 0 0 0 8732681 0


Goto top of page

2. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Volume

Incoming Feed (+ Top1000 #)Volume%VolKbpsAccepted%Acc%TotKB/artCheckIhaveSpamTooOldRejsErrs
1 feeder.ecngs.de   30.77TB 71.45 3059068.07 45004123 71.94 55.32 734.11 53886362 0 0 0 8674102 0
2 feeder1.feed.usenet.farm   11.18TB 25.97 1111752.46 32249706 87.23 39.64 372.31 36958332 0 0 0 11724 0
3 feeder5.feed.usenet.farm   1.10TB 2.55 109185.15 3306626 17.49 4.06 356.62 18873057 0 0 0 35075 0
4 sxng.erje.net   4.29GB 0.01 416.20 204903 31.83 0.25 21.94 643037 0 0 0 672 0
5 iqoq.erje.net   2.94GB 0.01 285.28 252490 22.28 0.31 12.20 1132205 0 0 0 1177 0
6 kotz.erje.net   1.94GB 0.00 188.22 161262 14.09 0.20 12.61 1137038 0 0 0 7414 0
7 ixni.erje.net   1.07GB 0.00 104.24 62522 8.13 0.08 18.01 767699 0 0 0 1158 0
8 imqag.erje.net   941.05MB 0.00 89.23 55672 14.57 0.07 17.31 381378 0 0 0 766 0
9 irena.erje.net   185.32MB 0.00 17.85 17229 4.28 0.02 11.01 402631 0 0 0 372 0
10 feeder8.news.weretis.net   38.31MB 0.00 9.69 11236 40.75 0.01 3.49 27556 0 0 0 19 0
11 vsrv1.fsn.de.weretis.net   35.86MB 0.00 8.16 10557 41.04 0.01 3.48 25685 0 0 0 38 0
12 feeds.phibee-telecom.net   29.80MB 0.00 15.65 6380 12.19 0.01 4.78 52198 0 0 0 132 0
13 srv1.nyc.us.weretis.net   8.98MB 0.00 4.09 2741 7.48 0.00 3.36 36602 0 0 0 21 0
14 vsrv1.qas.us.weretis.net   5.13MB 0.00 3.89 1753 22.85 0.00 3.00 7660 0 0 0 11 0
15 askin-17.linkpendium.com   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 2 0 0 0 0 0
Total 43.06TB 100.00 4281148.18 81347200 0.00 100.00 568.38 114331442 0 0 0 8732681 0


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3. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Estimated Rejected Volume

Incoming Feed (+ Top1000 #)Rej. Vol.%VolKbpsAccepted%Acc%TotKB/artCheckIhaveSpamTooOldRejsErrs
1 feeder5.feed.usenet.farm   12.07GB 74.25 1172.18 3306626 17.49 4.06 356.62 18873057 0 0 0 35075 0
2 feeder1.feed.usenet.farm   3.96GB 24.33 384.08 32249706 87.23 39.64 372.31 36958332 0 0 0 11724 0
3 feeder.ecngs.de   150.62MB 0.90 14.28 45004123 71.94 55.32 734.11 53886362 0 0 0 8674102 0
4 ixni.erje.net   24.22MB 0.15 2.30 62522 8.13 0.08 18.01 767699 0 0 0 1158 0
5 imqag.erje.net   19.04MB 0.11 1.81 55672 14.57 0.07 17.31 381378 0 0 0 766 0
6 iqoq.erje.net   15.68MB 0.09 1.49 252490 22.28 0.31 12.20 1132205 0 0 0 1177 0
7 kotz.erje.net   11.64MB 0.07 1.10 161262 14.09 0.20 12.61 1137038 0 0 0 7414 0
8 sxng.erje.net   9.42MB 0.06 0.89 204903 31.83 0.25 21.94 643037 0 0 0 672 0
9 irena.erje.net   5.80MB 0.03 0.56 17229 4.28 0.02 11.01 402631 0 0 0 372 0
10 feeds.phibee-telecom.net   524.94KB 0.00 0.27 6380 12.19 0.01 4.78 52198 0 0 0 132 0
11 vsrv1.fsn.de.weretis.net   384.86KB 0.00 0.09 10557 41.04 0.01 3.48 25685 0 0 0 38 0
12 srv1.nyc.us.weretis.net   101.66KB 0.00 0.05 2741 7.48 0.00 3.36 36602 0 0 0 21 0
13 feeder8.news.weretis.net   91.99KB 0.00 0.02 11236 40.75 0.01 3.49 27556 0 0 0 19 0
14 vsrv1.qas.us.weretis.net   30.24KB 0.00 0.02 1753 22.85 0.00 3.00 7660 0 0 0 11 0
15 askin-17.linkpendium.com   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 2 0 0 0 0 0
Total 16.26GB 100.00 1579.13 81347200 0.00 100.00 568.38 114331442 0 0 0 8732681 0


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4. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Time

00 3588755 4.41 1.84TB 4.27 4941483 0 0 326159 0
01 3350056 4.12 1.79TB 4.15 4464981 0 0 325434 0
02 3565049 4.38 1.91TB 4.43 5022695 0 0 431351 0
03 3355614 4.13 1.73TB 4.02 4613941 0 0 424742 0
04 3228734 3.97 1.69TB 3.92 4249449 0 0 282595 0
05 3210937 3.95 1.65TB 3.84 4353577 0 0 339351 0
06 3406524 4.19 1.77TB 4.10 4434289 0 0 339317 0
07 3482532 4.28 1.82TB 4.23 4809495 0 0 384692 0
08 3324544 4.09 1.75TB 4.07 4855239 0 0 389520 0
09 3669482 4.51 1.92TB 4.45 5498552 0 0 428911 0
10 3640815 4.48 1.86TB 4.33 5294297 0 0 401976 0
11 3232178 3.97 1.68TB 3.91 4712879 0 0 403312 0
12 3277638 4.03 1.69TB 3.91 4782697 0 0 403015 0
13 3427607 4.21 1.76TB 4.10 4902243 0 0 415569 0
14 3290065 4.04 1.79TB 4.15 4705198 0 0 332503 0
15 3211759 3.95 1.74TB 4.03 4563707 0 0 377533 0
16 3273617 4.02 1.83TB 4.25 4598939 0 0 406588 0
17 3126662 3.84 1.77TB 4.11 4408927 0 0 316328 0
18 2816909 3.46 1.61TB 3.75 3826920 0 0 387620 0
19 3544649 4.36 1.87TB 4.35 4854012 0 0 370679 0
20 3394011 4.17 1.84TB 4.28 4899432 0 0 433196 0
21 3703597 4.55 1.96TB 4.54 5162146 0 0 274151 0
22 3751126 4.61 1.94TB 4.50 5095186 0 0 221068 0
23 3474340 4.27 1.85TB 4.30 5281158 0 0 317071 0
Total 81347200 100.00 43.06TB 100.00 114331442 0 0 8732681 0


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5. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Article

Outgoing Feed (+ Top1000 #)Accepted%Acc%TotArt/secVolume%VolKB/artDupsRejs% Ratio (Out/In)
1 feeder.ecngs.de   36304637 99.64 36.66 420.19 12.28TB 57.69 363.33 129831 1 80.67
2 nbr.elbracht.net   35218472 99.82 35.57 407.62 25.05GB 0.11 0.75 62214 352
3 spool1.ecngs.de   27111515 99.62 27.38 313.79 8.98TB 42.17 355.60 100645 2820
4 ecngs-proxad.newsfeed.proxad.net   348734 42.41 0.35 4.04 5.30GB 0.02 15.95 464087 9419
5 ecngs-in.feeder.erje.net   20273 33.23 0.02 0.23 291.29MB 0.00 14.71 36470 4258
6 ecngs-feed-me.usenet.farm   10848 2.38 0.01 0.13 927.56MB 0.00 87.56 444878 498
7 feeds.phibee-telecom.net   2935 5.94 0.00 0.03 11.00MB 0.00 3.84 46063 384 46.00
8 ecngs-in.news.weretis.net   139 0.28 0.00 0.00 694.86KB 0.00 5.00 48767 526
9   22 16.54 0.00 0.00 23.24KB 0.00 1.06 109 2
10 ecngs-in.newsfeed.netcologne.de   0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00KB 0.00 0.00 18079 0
Total 99017575 0.99 100.00 1146.04 21.29TB 100.00 230.92 1351143 18260 121.72


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6. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Volume

Outgoing Feed (+ Top1000 #)Volume%VolKbpsAccepted%Acc%TotKB/artDupsRejs% Ratio (Out/In)
1 spool1.ecngs.de   8.98TB 42.17 892680.75 27111515 99.62 27.38 355.60 100645 2820
2 feeder.ecngs.de   12.28TB 57.69 1221353.00 36304637 99.64 36.66 363.33 129831 1 39.93
3 nbr.elbracht.net   25.05GB 0.11 2432.06 35218472 99.82 35.57 0.75 62214 352
4 ecngs-proxad.newsfeed.proxad.net   5.30GB 0.02 514.88 348734 42.41 0.35 15.95 464087 9419
5 ecngs-feed-me.usenet.farm   927.56MB 0.00 87.95 10848 2.38 0.01 87.56 444878 498
6 ecngs-in.feeder.erje.net   291.29MB 0.00 27.62 20273 33.23 0.02 14.71 36470 4258
7 feeds.phibee-telecom.net   11.00MB 0.00 1.04 2935 5.94 0.00 3.84 46063 384 36.92
8 ecngs-in.news.weretis.net   694.86KB 0.00 0.06 139 0.28 0.00 5.00 48767 526
9   23.24KB 0.00 0.00 22 16.54 0.00 1.06 109 2
10 ecngs-in.newsfeed.netcologne.de   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 18079 0
Total 21.29TB 100.00 2117097.37 99017575 0.99 100.00 230.92 1351143 18260 49.45


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7. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Estimated Rejected Volume

Outgoing Feed (+ Top1000 #)Rej. Vol.%VolKbpsAccepted%Acc%TotKB/artDupsRejs% Ratio (Out/In)
1 ecngs-proxad.newsfeed.proxad.net   130.10MB 55.92 12.34 348734 42.41 0.35 15.95 464087 9419
2 ecngs-in.feeder.erje.net   59.79MB 25.70 5.67 20273 33.23 0.02 14.71 36470 4258
3 spool1.ecngs.de   35.70MB 15.35 3.39 27111515 99.62 27.38 355.60 100645 2820
4 ecngs-feed-me.usenet.farm   5.35MB 2.30 0.51 10848 2.38 0.01 87.56 444878 498
5 feeds.phibee-telecom.net   1.01MB 0.43 0.10 2935 5.94 0.00 3.84 46063 384 3.37
6 ecngs-in.news.weretis.net   430.36KB 0.18 0.04 139 0.28 0.00 5.00 48767 526
7 nbr.elbracht.net   287.50KB 0.12 0.03 35218472 99.82 35.57 0.75 62214 352
8   0.98KB 0.00 0.00 22 16.54 0.00 1.06 109 2
9 feeder.ecngs.de   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 36304637 99.64 36.66 363.33 129831 1 0.00
10 ecngs-in.newsfeed.netcologne.de   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 18079 0
Total 232.66MB 100.00 22.06 99017575 0.99 100.00 230.92 1351143 18260 0.00


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8. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Time

00 3781228 3.82 866.13GB 3.97 58674 835
01 3296948 3.33 789.38GB 3.62 44839 632
02 3967896 4.01 897.67GB 4.12 40639 476
03 3825618 3.86 795.10GB 3.65 39357 497
04 4097117 4.14 824.71GB 3.78 38763 434
05 3822701 3.86 766.30GB 3.51 57978 428
06 4438576 4.48 906.22GB 4.16 128537 781
07 4395286 4.44 922.11GB 4.23 42753 438
08 4057355 4.10 876.54GB 4.02 93886 764
09 4865361 4.91 1.08TB 5.08 51450 788
10 5150516 5.20 1.11TB 5.23 54765 883
11 3918712 3.96 868.84GB 3.98 48764 846
12 4207757 4.25 894.27GB 4.10 50038 882
13 4923319 4.97 1.06TB 4.97 50603 699
14 4086729 4.13 904.47GB 4.15 48380 787
15 4180539 4.22 999.24GB 4.58 48916 903
16 3511940 3.55 871.05GB 3.99 52023 880
17 3465206 3.50 834.42GB 3.83 54239 917
18 2556493 2.58 593.95GB 2.72 91975 978
19 4218145 4.26 899.58GB 4.13 51392 868
20 4199089 4.24 915.42GB 4.20 54867 888
21 4685942 4.73 1005.55GB 4.61 48384 887
22 4945504 4.99 1.01TB 4.75 50620 886
23 4419598 4.46 1008.51GB 4.63 49301 883
Total 99017575 100.00 21.29TB 100.00 1351143 18260


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>= 20% Full >= 35% Full >= 50% Full >= 65% Full >= 80% Full >= 95% Full

9. Summary of Outgoing Queue

Outgoing FeedBatch SeqBatch NumBatch Max%FullAv. Pending
cambrium-out-l-2 591523-591527 4 3 133 0.0
cambrium-out-l-1 591527-591531 4 3 133 0.0
cambrium-out-l 594599-594603 4 3 133 0.0
xenna-out-s 595193-595198 5 4 125 0.0
xenna-out-l4 594435-594440 5 4 125 0.0
xenna-out-l3 594439-594444 5 4 125 0.0
xenna-out-l2 594420-594425 5 4 125 0.0
xenna-out-l1 594433-594438 5 4 125 0.0
usenetexp-s 595195-595200 5 4 125 0.0
usenetexp-l1 594504-594509 5 4 125 0.0
usenetexp-l 594497-594502 5 4 125 0.0
neva-s-1 586263-586268 5 4 125 0.0
neva-s 595213-595218 5 4 125 0.0
freenet-s 595206-595211 5 4 125 0.0
eweka-s 595213-595218 5 4 125 0.0
eweka-l5 591250-591255 5 4 125 0.0
eweka-l4 591243-591248 5 4 125 0.0
eweka-l3 594457-594462 5 4 125 0.0
eweka-l2 591231-591236 5 4 125 0.0
eweka-l1 591242-591247 5 4 125 0.0
eweka-l 594462-594467 5 4 125 0.0
cambrium-out-s 595211-595217 6 5 120 0.0
netcologne-out-s 322081-322088 7 6 116 6.5
giga-out-s 595210-595217 7 6 116 0.0
giga-out-l 578099-578106 7 6 116 0.0
usenet-farm-out-s 595194-595195 1 4 25 2.9
usenet-farm-out-l 576077-576078 1 4 25 1.2
proxad-s 595217-595218 1 4 25 6.9
erje-s 595205-595206 1 4 25 2.6
phibee-s 595210-595211 1 5 20 3.1
spool1-out-s 595208-595209 1 6 16 4.0
nbr.elbracht.net-o-1 595208-595209 1 6 16 0.0
nbr.elbracht.net-o 595208-595209 1 6 16 0.0
feeder-ecngs-out-s 595208-595209 1 6 16 2.2
usenet-farm-out-l2 385236-385236 0 4 0 0.6
usenet-farm-out-l1 384076-384076 0 4 0 0.6
spool1-out-l8 494085-494085 0 6 0 1.3
spool1-out-l7 494028-494028 0 6 0 1.3
spool1-out-l6 494054-494054 0 6 0 1.3
spool1-out-l5 494057-494057 0 6 0 1.3
spool1-out-l4 494018-494018 0 6 0 1.4
spool1-out-l3 493924-493924 0 6 0 1.3
spool1-out-l2 493943-493943 0 6 0 1.3
spool1-out-l12 494088-494088 0 6 0 1.3
spool1-out-l11 494297-494297 0 6 0 1.3
spool1-out-l10 493985-493985 0 6 0 1.3
spool1-out-l1 494099-494099 0 6 0 1.3
spool1-out-l 494045-494045 0 6 0 1.3
nbr.elbracht.net-c 71238-71238 0 6 0 0.0
feeder-ecngs-out-l7 498263-498263 0 6 0 1.5
feeder-ecngs-out-l6 498513-498513 0 6 0 1.4
feeder-ecngs-out-l5 498609-498609 0 6 0 1.5
feeder-ecngs-out-l4 498494-498494 0 6 0 1.5
feeder-ecngs-out-l3 498508-498508 0 6 0 1.5
feeder-ecngs-out-l2 498461-498461 0 6 0 1.5
feeder-ecngs-out-l1 498347-498347 0 6 0 1.5
feeder-ecngs-out-l 498444-498444 0 6 0 1.5
Goto top of page

10. Summary of Curious Activity

1st TimeLast Time# MsgsMessage
00:00:02  23:59:07 12806 feeder1.feed.usenet.farm Path element fails to match aliases: feeder1.feed.usenet.farm
00:00:01  23:55:01 10368 feed-in.de.xennanews.com: hostname lookup failure: feed-in.de.xennanews.com:(null): Name or service not known
00:00:01  23:55:01 4584 ecngs.nntp.giganews.com: 502 access denied
00:02:11  23:57:11 4320 ecngs-in.feeder.usenetexpress.com: Connection timed out
00:00:01  23:59:09 4271 feeder5.feed.usenet.farm Path element fails to match aliases: feeder5.feed.usenet.farm
00:02:11  23:57:11 2880 hq-usenetpeers.eweka.nl: Connection timed out
00:00:01  23:55:01 2592 ecngs-in.feeder.usenetexpress.com: Connection refused
00:02:11  23:52:10 1705 ecngs.de-in.nntp.neva.ru: Connection timed out
00:00:01  23:55:01 1152 newsfeed.freenet.ag: hostname lookup failure: newsfeed.freenet.ag:(null): Name or service not known
00:01:09  23:56:17 1148 iqoq.erje.net Path element fails to match aliases: 3.eu.feeder.erje.net
00:02:04  23:57:05 1145 kotz.erje.net Path element fails to match aliases: 2.eu.feeder.erje.net
00:02:25  23:57:20 858 ixni.erje.net Path element fails to match aliases: 1.us.feeder.erje.net
00:00:17  23:55:37 854 sxng.erje.net Path element fails to match aliases: 1.as.feeder.erje.net
00:04:02  23:59:25 574 imqag.erje.net Path element fails to match aliases: 3.us.feeder.erje.net
00:00:01  23:55:01 288 ecngs-in.newsfeed.netcologne.de: hostname lookup failure: ecngs-in.newsfeed.netcologne.de:(null): Name or service not known
00:05:05  23:58:23 284 irena.erje.net Path element fails to match aliases: 4.us.feeder.erje.net
00:15:01  22:35:01 41 ecngs-feed-me.usenet.farm: Connection refused
06:18:12  19:24:45 40 feeder.ecngs.de: Remote EOF, attempting to reconnect
05:21:03  05:16:17 28 spool1.ecngs.de: Remote EOF, attempting to reconnect
06:20:08  00:20:08 23 spool1.ecngs.de: (unknown error)
03:20:02  05:35:33 14 ecngs.nntp.giganews.com: (unknown error)
05:29:14  17:28:24 12 srv1.nyc.us.weretis.net Path element fails to match aliases: weretis.net
03:47:13  05:27:11 10 ecngs.nntp.giganews.com: Connection timed out
08:26:45  08:30:28 8 nbr.elbracht.net: Remote EOF, attempting to reconnect
04:15:19  17:25:05 7 feeder8.news.weretis.net Path element fails to match aliases: weretis.net
04:15:14  17:23:47 6 vsrv1.fsn.de.weretis.net Path element fails to match aliases: weretis.net
05:55:14  17:23:47 3 vsrv1.qas.us.weretis.net Path element fails to match aliases: weretis.net
19:30:29  19:30:33 3 feeder.ecngs.de: 502 feeder.ecngs.de: temporary server error
20:40:01  00:24:49 3 ecngs-in.feeder.erje.net: Remote EOF, attempting to reconnect
05:30:47   1 ecngs-proxad.newsfeed.proxad.net: Remote EOF, attempting to reconnect
00:24:49   1 ecngs-in.feeder.erje.net: Connection refused
04:40:03   1 ecngs-in.feeder.erje.net: (unknown error)
10:49:39   1 ecngs-feed-me.usenet.farm: Remote EOF, attempting to reconnect
02:41:08   1 ecngs-feed-me.usenet.farm: (unknown error)
17:38:08   1 DNS Fwd/Rev mismatch: zg-0421e-148.stretchoid.com/
05:49:41   1 DNS Fwd/Rev mismatch: lookup of scanner-06.ch1.censys-scanner.com failed
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Generated on 20240614 2358 by feeder-stats v4.006. Copyright © 2002 The Diablo Project. Valid HTML 4.0!