
DIABLO statistics for feeder2.ecngs.de on Mon 10 Jun 2024

Newsfeed Contact: HD Elbracht

Generated on 20240610 2358 by feeder-stats v4.006. Copyright © 2002 The Diablo Project.

  1. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Article
  2. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Volume
  3. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Estimated Rejected Volume
  4. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Time
  5. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Article
  6. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Volume
  7. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Estimated Rejected Volume
  8. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Time
  9. Summary of Outgoing Queue
  10. Summary of Curious Activity

Diablo running processes:  46    Dnewslink running processes:  38

 00:05:19 up 93 days,  9:59,  0 users,  load average: 39,95, 36,41, 34,31

/dev/sda                      440G    6,5G  411G    2% /news2/spool/news/00
/dev/sdb                      440G    7,2G  410G    2% /news2/spool/news/01

1. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Article

Incoming Feed (+ Top1000 #)Accepted%Acc%TotArt/secVolume%VolKB/artCheckIhaveSpamTooOldRejsErrs
1 feeder.ecngs.de   45545219 70.79 62.19 527.14 31.03TB 76.72 731.57 55062172 0 0 0 9280236 0
2 feeder1.feed.usenet.farm   23898455 85.64 32.63 276.60 8.56TB 21.15 384.37 27899791 0 0 0 5930 0
3 feeder5.feed.usenet.farm   2463138 14.35 3.36 28.51 860.44GB 2.08 366.30 17127789 0 0 0 41382 0
4 iqoq.erje.net   521726 32.06 0.71 6.04 8.46GB 0.02 17.01 1469583 0 0 0 157801 0
5 kotz.erje.net   446467 27.47 0.61 5.17 6.73GB 0.02 15.80 1470818 0 0 0 154649 0
6 ixni.erje.net   150179 19.52 0.21 1.74 2.79GB 0.01 19.47 633992 0 0 0 135561 0
7 imqag.erje.net   63545 12.36 0.09 0.74 1.13GB 0.00 18.67 512888 0 0 0 1371 0
8 irena.erje.net   63239 21.52 0.09 0.74 908.77MB 0.00 14.72 141183 0 0 0 152614 0
9 sxng.erje.net   46335 6.18 0.06 0.54 576.14MB 0.00 12.73 562286 0 0 0 187271 0
10 feeder8.news.weretis.net   10490 37.10 0.01 0.36 36.66MB 0.00 3.58 27676 0 0 0 602 0
11 vsrv1.fsn.de.weretis.net   8653 39.81 0.01 0.34 25.42MB 0.00 3.01 21711 0 0 0 24 0
12 feeds.phibee-telecom.net   7698 13.98 0.01 0.35 32.73MB 0.00 4.35 54799 0 0 0 283 0
13 srv1.nyc.us.weretis.net   3257 8.96 0.00 0.18 12.13MB 0.00 3.81 36277 0 0 0 85 0
14 vsrv1.qas.us.weretis.net   1931 21.91 0.00 0.18 4.97MB 0.00 2.64 8800 0 0 0 15 0
15   819 12.11 0.00 0.23 1.81MB 0.00 2.27 6762 0 0 0 0 0
16   16 2.77 0.00 0.05 263.87KB 0.00 16.49 577 0 0 0 0 0
Total 73231167 0.00 100.00 848.91 40.45TB 100.00 593.04 105037104 0 0 0 10117824 0


Goto top of page

2. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Volume

Incoming Feed (+ Top1000 #)Volume%VolKbpsAccepted%Acc%TotKB/artCheckIhaveSpamTooOldRejsErrs
1 feeder1.feed.usenet.farm   8.56TB 21.15 850552.21 23898455 85.64 32.63 384.37 27899791 0 0 0 5930 0
2 feeder5.feed.usenet.farm   860.44GB 2.08 83540.52 2463138 14.35 3.36 366.30 17127789 0 0 0 41382 0
3 feeder.ecngs.de   31.03TB 76.72 3085134.41 45545219 70.79 62.19 731.57 55062172 0 0 0 9280236 0
4 iqoq.erje.net   8.46GB 0.02 821.56 521726 32.06 0.71 17.01 1469583 0 0 0 157801 0
5 kotz.erje.net   6.73GB 0.02 653.26 446467 27.47 0.61 15.80 1470818 0 0 0 154649 0
6 ixni.erje.net   2.79GB 0.01 270.76 150179 19.52 0.21 19.47 633992 0 0 0 135561 0
7 imqag.erje.net   1.13GB 0.00 109.84 63545 12.36 0.09 18.67 512888 0 0 0 1371 0
8 irena.erje.net   908.77MB 0.00 87.16 63239 21.52 0.09 14.72 141183 0 0 0 152614 0
9 sxng.erje.net   576.14MB 0.00 54.63 46335 6.18 0.06 12.73 562286 0 0 0 187271 0
10 feeder8.news.weretis.net   36.66MB 0.00 10.43 10490 37.10 0.01 3.58 27676 0 0 0 602 0
11 feeds.phibee-telecom.net   32.73MB 0.00 12.08 7698 13.98 0.01 4.35 54799 0 0 0 283 0
12 vsrv1.fsn.de.weretis.net   25.42MB 0.00 8.26 8653 39.81 0.01 3.01 21711 0 0 0 24 0
13 srv1.nyc.us.weretis.net   12.13MB 0.00 5.56 3257 8.96 0.00 3.81 36277 0 0 0 85 0
14 vsrv1.qas.us.weretis.net   4.97MB 0.00 3.77 1931 21.91 0.00 2.64 8800 0 0 0 15 0
15   1.81MB 0.00 4.13 819 12.11 0.00 2.27 6762 0 0 0 0 0
16   263.87KB 0.00 7.08 16 2.77 0.00 16.49 577 0 0 0 0 0
Total 40.45TB 100.00 4021275.67 73231167 0.00 100.00 593.04 105037104 0 0 0 10117824 0


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3. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Estimated Rejected Volume

Incoming Feed (+ Top1000 #)Rej. Vol.%VolKbpsAccepted%Acc%TotKB/artCheckIhaveSpamTooOldRejsErrs
1 feeder5.feed.usenet.farm   14.58GB 49.62 1415.77 2463138 14.35 3.36 366.30 17127789 0 0 0 41382 0
2 sxng.erje.net   3.23GB 10.98 313.22 46335 6.18 0.06 12.73 562286 0 0 0 187271 0
3 iqoq.erje.net   2.79GB 9.49 270.75 521726 32.06 0.71 17.01 1469583 0 0 0 157801 0
4 irena.erje.net   2.73GB 9.30 268.54 63239 21.52 0.09 14.72 141183 0 0 0 152614 0
5 ixni.erje.net   2.28GB 7.75 221.12 150179 19.52 0.21 19.47 633992 0 0 0 135561 0
6 feeder1.feed.usenet.farm   1.85GB 6.29 179.58 23898455 85.64 32.63 384.37 27899791 0 0 0 5930 0
7 kotz.erje.net   1.76GB 5.99 171.02 446467 27.47 0.61 15.80 1470818 0 0 0 154649 0
8 feeder.ecngs.de   139.13MB 0.46 13.19 45545219 70.79 62.19 731.57 55062172 0 0 0 9280236 0
9 imqag.erje.net   29.64MB 0.10 2.81 63545 12.36 0.09 18.67 512888 0 0 0 1371 0
10 feeder8.news.weretis.net   1.50MB 0.00 0.43 10490 37.10 0.01 3.58 27676 0 0 0 602 0
11 feeds.phibee-telecom.net   1.21MB 0.00 0.45 7698 13.98 0.01 4.35 54799 0 0 0 283 0
12 srv1.nyc.us.weretis.net   531.41KB 0.00 0.24 3257 8.96 0.00 3.81 36277 0 0 0 85 0
13 vsrv1.fsn.de.weretis.net   53.17KB 0.00 0.02 8653 39.81 0.01 3.01 21711 0 0 0 24 0
14 vsrv1.qas.us.weretis.net   34.67KB 0.00 0.03 1931 21.91 0.00 2.64 8800 0 0 0 15 0
15   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 819 12.11 0.00 2.27 6762 0 0 0 0 0
16   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 16 2.77 0.00 16.49 577 0 0 0 0 0
Total 29.39GB 100.00 2857.16 73231167 0.00 100.00 593.04 105037104 0 0 0 10117824 0


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4. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Time

00 3182627 4.35 1.77TB 4.37 4631042 0 0 389013 0
01 3127018 4.27 1.72TB 4.26 4535023 0 0 508787 0
02 3181098 4.34 1.73TB 4.29 4222405 0 0 494899 0
03 2696856 3.68 1.53TB 3.78 3471337 0 0 358360 0
04 2677751 3.66 1.57TB 3.88 3359800 0 0 341780 0
05 2505248 3.42 1.46TB 3.62 3341686 0 0 390648 0
06 2582156 3.53 1.49TB 3.68 3420898 0 0 417414 0
07 2876362 3.93 1.62TB 4.00 3936303 0 0 473596 0
08 2934619 4.01 1.65TB 4.09 4077652 0 0 488737 0
09 2852614 3.90 1.60TB 3.95 4077809 0 0 456444 0
10 3190040 4.36 1.77TB 4.39 4496786 0 0 346933 0
11 3206273 4.38 1.75TB 4.32 4661850 0 0 420404 0
12 3282370 4.48 1.78TB 4.40 4886762 0 0 514238 0
13 2952068 4.03 1.58TB 3.91 4432762 0 0 456424 0
14 3563399 4.87 1.87TB 4.61 5048431 0 0 419846 0
15 3054830 4.17 1.71TB 4.22 4186069 0 0 359335 0
16 3248514 4.44 1.74TB 4.31 4607975 0 0 449478 0
17 2905365 3.97 1.65TB 4.07 4374215 0 0 418367 0
18 2693411 3.68 1.52TB 3.75 4061844 0 0 357708 0
19 3606274 4.92 1.89TB 4.66 5592508 0 0 531090 0
20 3480923 4.75 1.79TB 4.43 5583544 0 0 450524 0
21 2988104 4.08 1.67TB 4.14 4591393 0 0 359149 0
22 3066324 4.19 1.76TB 4.34 4523217 0 0 367654 0
23 3376923 4.61 1.84TB 4.56 4915793 0 0 346996 0
Total 73231167 100.00 40.45TB 100.00 105037104 0 0 10117824 0


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5. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Article

Outgoing Feed (+ Top1000 #)Accepted%Acc%TotArt/secVolume%VolKB/artDupsRejs% Ratio (Out/In)
1 feeder.ecngs.de   27640603 99.53 37.97 319.91 9.41TB 59.17 365.55 130994 104 60.69
2 nbr.elbracht.net   26439771 99.52 36.32 306.02 18.82GB 0.12 0.75 126514 303
3 spool1.ecngs.de   18331059 99.47 25.18 212.17 6.47TB 40.68 378.95 95414 2617
4 ecngs-proxad.newsfeed.proxad.net   329323 24.77 0.45 3.81 5.24GB 0.03 16.70 991401 8735
5 ecngs-feed-me.usenet.farm   30970 3.54 0.04 0.36 1.09GB 0.01 36.85 841578 2338
6 ecngs-in.feeder.erje.net   25445 30.97 0.03 0.29 361.46MB 0.00 14.55 51047 5674
7 feeds.phibee-telecom.net   3248 6.29 0.00 0.04 15.08MB 0.00 4.75 47421 1004 42.19
8 ecngs-in.news.weretis.net   197 0.39 0.00 0.00 725.71KB 0.00 3.68 50332 629
9   63 38.18 0.00 0.00 89.54KB 0.00 1.42 97 5
10 ecngs-in.newsfeed.netcologne.de   0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00KB 0.00 0.00 19382 0
Total 72800679 0.97 100.00 842.60 15.90TB 100.00 234.58 2354180 21409 99.41


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6. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Volume

Outgoing Feed (+ Top1000 #)Volume%VolKbpsAccepted%Acc%TotKB/artDupsRejs% Ratio (Out/In)
1 spool1.ecngs.de   6.47TB 40.68 643198.37 18331059 99.47 25.18 378.95 95414 2617
2 feeder.ecngs.de   9.41TB 59.17 935555.26 27640603 99.53 37.97 365.55 130994 104 30.32
3 nbr.elbracht.net   18.82GB 0.12 1827.59 26439771 99.52 36.32 0.75 126514 303
4 ecngs-proxad.newsfeed.proxad.net   5.24GB 0.03 509.09 329323 24.77 0.45 16.70 991401 8735
5 ecngs-feed-me.usenet.farm   1.09GB 0.01 105.67 30970 3.54 0.04 36.85 841578 2338
6 ecngs-in.feeder.erje.net   361.46MB 0.00 34.27 25445 30.97 0.03 14.55 51047 5674
7 feeds.phibee-telecom.net   15.08MB 0.00 1.43 3248 6.29 0.00 4.75 47421 1004 46.08
8 ecngs-in.news.weretis.net   725.71KB 0.00 0.07 197 0.39 0.00 3.68 50332 629
9   89.54KB 0.00 0.01 63 38.18 0.00 1.42 97 5
10 ecngs-in.newsfeed.netcologne.de   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 19382 0
Total 15.90TB 100.00 1581231.75 72800679 0.97 100.00 234.58 2354180 21409 39.32


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7. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Estimated Rejected Volume

Outgoing Feed (+ Top1000 #)Rej. Vol.%VolKbpsAccepted%Acc%TotKB/artDupsRejs% Ratio (Out/In)
1 ecngs-proxad.newsfeed.proxad.net   118.22MB 43.47 11.21 329323 24.77 0.45 16.70 991401 8735
2 ecngs-in.feeder.erje.net   84.44MB 31.05 8.01 25445 30.97 0.03 14.55 51047 5674
3 spool1.ecngs.de   32.10MB 11.80 3.04 18331059 99.47 25.18 378.95 95414 2617
4 ecngs-feed-me.usenet.farm   31.96MB 11.75 3.03 30970 3.54 0.04 36.85 841578 2338
5 feeds.phibee-telecom.net   3.26MB 1.20 0.31 3248 6.29 0.00 4.75 47421 1004 9.97
6 feeder.ecngs.de   1006.53KB 0.36 0.09 27640603 99.53 37.97 365.55 130994 104 0.00
7 ecngs-in.news.weretis.net   749.05KB 0.27 0.07 197 0.39 0.00 3.68 50332 629
8 nbr.elbracht.net   243.53KB 0.09 0.02 26439771 99.52 36.32 0.75 126514 303
9   4.01KB 0.00 0.00 63 38.18 0.00 1.42 97 5
10 ecngs-in.newsfeed.netcologne.de   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 19382 0
Total 271.94MB 100.00 25.78 72800679 0.97 100.00 234.58 2354180 21409 0.00


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8. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Time

00 3177501 4.36 740.84GB 4.55 115843 971
01 3228844 4.44 749.08GB 4.60 100327 680
02 2812354 3.86 582.55GB 3.58 97185 653
03 2106421 2.89 424.20GB 2.60 83583 509
04 1727973 2.37 382.59GB 2.35 96766 590
05 1925122 2.64 436.88GB 2.68 105959 834
06 2102211 2.89 488.93GB 3.00 148238 651
07 2669556 3.67 606.62GB 3.72 92512 910
08 2516969 3.46 559.53GB 3.44 123682 1060
09 3104926 4.26 681.14GB 4.18 105237 1013
10 3563644 4.90 827.57GB 5.08 123477 1084
11 3240185 4.45 704.72GB 4.33 126339 1089
12 3380406 4.64 703.82GB 4.32 102224 963
13 3258161 4.48 698.30GB 4.29 93033 914
14 3615436 4.97 764.48GB 4.69 94580 791
15 2928737 4.02 707.16GB 4.34 99181 1070
16 3238835 4.45 753.71GB 4.63 81119 939
17 2813547 3.86 596.50GB 3.66 94887 921
18 2659153 3.65 601.88GB 3.70 133276 1254
19 4366170 6.00 979.14GB 6.01 66343 936
20 4521506 6.21 1006.66GB 6.18 63334 789
21 3390441 4.66 788.88GB 4.84 59298 848
22 2959148 4.06 694.72GB 4.27 61671 970
23 3493433 4.80 806.28GB 4.95 86086 970
Total 72800679 100.00 15.90TB 100.00 2354180 21409


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>= 20% Full >= 35% Full >= 50% Full >= 65% Full >= 80% Full >= 95% Full

9. Summary of Outgoing Queue

Outgoing FeedBatch SeqBatch NumBatch Max%FullAv. Pending
cambrium-out-l-2 590373-590377 4 3 133 0.0
cambrium-out-l-1 590377-590381 4 3 133 0.0
cambrium-out-l 593449-593453 4 3 133 0.0
xenna-out-s 594041-594046 5 4 125 0.0
xenna-out-l4 593285-593290 5 4 125 0.0
xenna-out-l3 593289-593294 5 4 125 0.0
xenna-out-l2 593271-593276 5 4 125 0.0
xenna-out-l1 593283-593288 5 4 125 0.0
usenetexp-s 594043-594048 5 4 125 0.0
usenetexp-l1 593354-593359 5 4 125 0.0
usenetexp-l 593347-593352 5 4 125 0.0
neva-s-1 585463-585468 5 4 125 0.0
neva-s 594061-594066 5 4 125 0.0
freenet-s 594054-594059 5 4 125 0.0
eweka-s 594061-594066 5 4 125 0.0
eweka-l5 590100-590105 5 4 125 0.0
eweka-l4 590093-590098 5 4 125 0.0
eweka-l3 593307-593312 5 4 125 0.0
eweka-l2 590081-590086 5 4 125 0.0
eweka-l1 590092-590097 5 4 125 0.0
eweka-l 593312-593317 5 4 125 0.0
cambrium-out-s 594059-594065 6 5 120 0.0
netcologne-out-s 321503-321510 7 6 116 6.9
giga-out-s 594058-594065 7 6 116 0.0
giga-out-l 577576-577583 7 6 116 0.0
usenet-farm-out-s 594042-594043 1 4 25 3.7
usenet-farm-out-l 575534-575535 1 4 25 1.2
proxad-s 594065-594066 1 4 25 6.0
erje-s 594053-594054 1 4 25 2.5
phibee-s 594058-594059 1 5 20 2.8
spool1-out-s 594056-594057 1 6 16 4.0
nbr.elbracht.net-o-1 594056-594057 1 6 16 0.0
nbr.elbracht.net-o 594056-594057 1 6 16 0.0
feeder-ecngs-out-s 594056-594057 1 6 16 3.0
usenet-farm-out-l2 385147-385147 0 4 0 0.7
usenet-farm-out-l1 383984-383984 0 4 0 0.7
spool1-out-l8 494053-494053 0 6 0 1.2
spool1-out-l7 493987-493987 0 6 0 1.2
spool1-out-l6 494014-494014 0 6 0 1.2
spool1-out-l5 494017-494017 0 6 0 1.2
spool1-out-l4 493981-493981 0 6 0 1.2
spool1-out-l3 493880-493880 0 6 0 1.2
spool1-out-l2 493909-493909 0 6 0 1.2
spool1-out-l12 494049-494049 0 6 0 1.2
spool1-out-l11 494265-494265 0 6 0 1.2
spool1-out-l10 493951-493951 0 6 0 1.3
spool1-out-l1 494060-494060 0 6 0 1.2
spool1-out-l 494005-494005 0 6 0 1.2
nbr.elbracht.net-c 71197-71197 0 6 0 0.0
feeder-ecngs-out-l7 498210-498210 0 6 0 1.3
feeder-ecngs-out-l6 498468-498468 0 6 0 1.3
feeder-ecngs-out-l5 498561-498561 0 6 0 1.3
feeder-ecngs-out-l4 498443-498443 0 6 0 1.3
feeder-ecngs-out-l3 498452-498452 0 6 0 1.3
feeder-ecngs-out-l2 498412-498412 0 6 0 1.3
feeder-ecngs-out-l1 498299-498299 0 6 0 1.3
feeder-ecngs-out-l 498400-498400 0 6 0 1.3
Goto top of page

10. Summary of Curious Activity

1st TimeLast Time# MsgsMessage
00:00:02  23:59:08 12826 feeder1.feed.usenet.farm Path element fails to match aliases: feeder1.feed.usenet.farm
00:00:01  23:55:01 10368 feed-in.de.xennanews.com: hostname lookup failure: feed-in.de.xennanews.com:(null): Name or service not known
00:00:01  23:55:01 4595 ecngs.nntp.giganews.com: 502 access denied
00:02:11  23:57:11 4317 ecngs-in.feeder.usenetexpress.com: Connection timed out
00:00:03  23:39:14 4298 feeder5.feed.usenet.farm Path element fails to match aliases: feeder5.feed.usenet.farm
00:02:11  23:57:11 2880 hq-usenetpeers.eweka.nl: Connection timed out
00:00:01  23:57:11 2589 ecngs-in.feeder.usenetexpress.com: Connection refused
00:02:11  23:57:11 1725 ecngs.de-in.nntp.neva.ru: Connection timed out
00:00:01  23:55:01 1152 newsfeed.freenet.ag: hostname lookup failure: newsfeed.freenet.ag:(null): Name or service not known
00:01:27  23:51:03 1147 iqoq.erje.net Path element fails to match aliases: 3.eu.feeder.erje.net
00:02:05  23:57:02 1144 kotz.erje.net Path element fails to match aliases: 2.eu.feeder.erje.net
00:02:19  23:57:05 857 ixni.erje.net Path element fails to match aliases: 1.us.feeder.erje.net
00:01:02  23:55:37 851 sxng.erje.net Path element fails to match aliases: 1.as.feeder.erje.net
00:03:44  23:58:53 574 imqag.erje.net Path element fails to match aliases: 3.us.feeder.erje.net
00:03:58  23:58:26 288 irena.erje.net Path element fails to match aliases: 4.us.feeder.erje.net
00:00:03  23:55:01 288 ecngs-in.newsfeed.netcologne.de: hostname lookup failure: ecngs-in.newsfeed.netcologne.de:(null): Name or service not known
06:18:10  19:24:47 40 feeder.ecngs.de: Remote EOF, attempting to reconnect
00:05:01  21:10:01 33 ecngs-feed-me.usenet.farm: Connection refused
05:20:04  21:20:08 31 spool1.ecngs.de: (unknown error)
05:21:02  05:16:10 27 spool1.ecngs.de: Remote EOF, attempting to reconnect
09:50:01  16:15:01 21 ecngs-in.nntp.cambrium.nl: hostname lookup failure: ecngs-in.nntp.cambrium.nl:(null): Name or service not known
02:00:01  02:00:02 21 ecngs-in.nntp.cambrium.nl: Connection refused
04:16:25  17:55:56 18 vsrv1.fsn.de.weretis.net Path element fails to match aliases: weretis.net
05:25:41  17:27:34 10 srv1.nyc.us.weretis.net Path element fails to match aliases: weretis.net
08:47:11  03:42:12 10 ecngs.nntp.giganews.com: Connection timed out
08:26:33  08:30:23 8 nbr.elbracht.net: Remote EOF, attempting to reconnect
08:15:01  03:35:33 8 ecngs.nntp.giganews.com: (unknown error)
04:15:09  17:22:46 6 feeder8.news.weretis.net Path element fails to match aliases: weretis.net
05:26:54  17:57:43 3 vsrv1.qas.us.weretis.net Path element fails to match aliases: weretis.net
16:00:11  16:00:11 3 ecngs-in.feeder.usenetexpress.com: hostname lookup failure: ecngs-in.feeder.usenetexpress.com:(null): Temporary failure in name resolution
08:40:00  08:43:45 3 ecngs-in.feeder.erje.net: Remote EOF, attempting to reconnect
12:13:24  12:13:30 3 DNS Fwd/Rev mismatch: lookup of scanner-27.ch1.censys-scanner.com failed
14:26:32  14:26:32 2 DNS Fwd/Rev mismatch:
12:00:26   1 DNS Fwd/Rev mismatch: zg-1220i-195.stretchoid.com/
07:04:58   1 DNS Fwd/Rev mismatch: zg-0512-16.stretchoid.com/
03:02:05   1 DNS Fwd/Rev mismatch: lookup of zg-0609a-167.stretchoid.com failed
08:15:34   1 DNS Fwd/Rev mismatch: apzg-0727-m-117.stretchoid.com/
23:07:07   1 Path element fails to match aliases: 2.eu.feeder.erje.net
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Generated on 20240610 2358 by feeder-stats v4.006. Copyright © 2002 The Diablo Project. Valid HTML 4.0!