
DIABLO statistics for feeder2.ecngs.de on Sat 11 May 2024

Newsfeed Contact: HD Elbracht

Generated on 20240511 2358 by feeder-stats v4.006. Copyright © 2002 The Diablo Project.

  1. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Article
  2. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Volume
  3. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Estimated Rejected Volume
  4. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Time
  5. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Article
  6. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Volume
  7. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Estimated Rejected Volume
  8. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Time
  9. Summary of Outgoing Queue
  10. Summary of Curious Activity

Diablo running processes:  43    Dnewslink running processes:  37

 00:05:49 up 63 days, 10:00,  0 users,  load average: 38,54, 34,28, 33,42

/dev/sda                      440G    7,8G  409G    2% /news2/spool/news/00
/dev/sdb                      440G    6,2G  411G    2% /news2/spool/news/01

1. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Article

Incoming Feed (+ Top1000 #)Accepted%Acc%TotArt/secVolume%VolKB/artCheckIhaveSpamTooOldRejsErrs
1 feeder.ecngs.de   53203998 77.88 61.97 615.79 35.27TB 77.78 711.80 60882017 0 0 0 7430162 0
2 feeder1.feed.usenet.farm   27112580 85.92 31.58 313.80 9.08TB 20.01 359.41 31542278 0 0 0 13019 0
3 feeder5.feed.usenet.farm   3073034 15.97 3.58 35.57 975.06GB 2.10 332.71 19206696 0 0 0 30381 0
4 iqoq.erje.net   974798 35.30 1.14 11.28 13.95GB 0.03 15.00 2756009 0 0 0 5827 0
5 kotz.erje.net   914890 33.37 1.07 10.59 13.15GB 0.03 15.07 2724555 0 0 0 17243 0
6 newsfeed.neva.ru   244764 38.45 0.29 2.83 7.22GB 0.02 30.91 636390 0 0 0 158 0
7 ixni.erje.net   81185 9.38 0.09 0.94 1.36GB 0.00 17.59 863793 0 0 0 1762 0
8 imqag.erje.net   75266 14.15 0.09 0.87 1.03GB 0.00 14.32 530146 0 0 0 1795 0
9 sxng.erje.net   58302 7.79 0.07 0.67 785.08MB 0.00 13.79 748019 0 0 0 388 0
10 irena.erje.net   32380 9.99 0.04 0.38 617.76MB 0.00 19.54 323927 0 0 0 116 0
11   19072 73.46 0.02 52.98 6.76GB 0.01 371.86 25931 0 0 0 32 0
12 feeder8.news.weretis.net   12027 43.28 0.01 0.28 39.42MB 0.00 3.36 27754 0 0 0 36 0
13 vsrv1.fsn.de.weretis.net   11779 54.82 0.01 0.27 48.50MB 0.00 4.22 21462 0 0 0 24 0
14 goblin.stu.neva.ru   11779 6.71 0.01 0.14 211.58MB 0.00 18.39 175487 0 0 0 48 0
15 feeds.phibee-telecom.net   10332 23.87 0.01 0.36 39.13MB 0.00 3.88 43257 0 0 0 35 0
16   4723 19.98 0.01 12.94 1.68GB 0.00 372.22 23576 0 0 0 61 0
17 srv1.nyc.us.weretis.net   3990 10.83 0.00 0.28 16.16MB 0.00 4.15 36842 0 0 0 9 0
18   1858 58.61 0.00 6.11 26.01MB 0.00 14.34 3168 0 0 0 2 0
19 vsrv1.qas.us.weretis.net   1291 16.31 0.00 0.12 4.93MB 0.00 3.91 7902 0 0 0 15 0
Total 85848048 0.00 100.00 1066.21 45.34TB 100.00 567.13 120579209 0 0 0 7501113 0


Goto top of page

2. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Volume

Incoming Feed (+ Top1000 #)Volume%VolKbpsAccepted%Acc%TotKB/artCheckIhaveSpamTooOldRejsErrs
1 feeder1.feed.usenet.farm   9.08TB 20.01 902273.49 27112580 85.92 31.58 359.41 31542278 0 0 0 13019 0
2 feeder.ecngs.de   35.27TB 77.78 3506545.98 53203998 77.88 61.97 711.80 60882017 0 0 0 7430162 0
3 feeder5.feed.usenet.farm   975.06GB 2.10 94669.22 3073034 15.97 3.58 332.71 19206696 0 0 0 30381 0
4 iqoq.erje.net   13.95GB 0.03 1354.00 974798 35.30 1.14 15.00 2756009 0 0 0 5827 0
5 kotz.erje.net   13.15GB 0.03 1276.50 914890 33.37 1.07 15.07 2724555 0 0 0 17243 0
6 newsfeed.neva.ru   7.22GB 0.02 700.62 244764 38.45 0.29 30.91 636390 0 0 0 158 0
7   6.76GB 0.01 157600.60 19072 73.46 0.02 371.86 25931 0 0 0 32 0
8   1.68GB 0.00 38531.09 4723 19.98 0.01 372.22 23576 0 0 0 61 0
9 ixni.erje.net   1.36GB 0.00 132.19 81185 9.38 0.09 17.59 863793 0 0 0 1762 0
10 imqag.erje.net   1.03GB 0.00 99.77 75266 14.15 0.09 14.32 530146 0 0 0 1795 0
11 sxng.erje.net   785.08MB 0.00 74.44 58302 7.79 0.07 13.79 748019 0 0 0 388 0
12 irena.erje.net   617.76MB 0.00 59.48 32380 9.99 0.04 19.54 323927 0 0 0 116 0
13 goblin.stu.neva.ru   211.58MB 0.00 20.06 11779 6.71 0.01 18.39 175487 0 0 0 48 0
14 vsrv1.fsn.de.weretis.net   48.50MB 0.00 9.20 11779 54.82 0.01 4.22 21462 0 0 0 24 0
15 feeder8.news.weretis.net   39.42MB 0.00 7.48 12027 43.28 0.01 3.36 27754 0 0 0 36 0
16 feeds.phibee-telecom.net   39.13MB 0.00 11.32 10332 23.87 0.01 3.88 43257 0 0 0 35 0
17   26.01MB 0.00 700.91 1858 58.61 0.00 14.34 3168 0 0 0 2 0
18 srv1.nyc.us.weretis.net   16.16MB 0.00 9.19 3990 10.83 0.00 4.15 36842 0 0 0 9 0
19 vsrv1.qas.us.weretis.net   4.93MB 0.00 3.74 1291 16.31 0.00 3.91 7902 0 0 0 15 0
Total 45.34TB 100.00 4704079.27 85848048 0.00 100.00 567.13 120579209 0 0 0 7501113 0


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3. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Estimated Rejected Volume

Incoming Feed (+ Top1000 #)Rej. Vol.%VolKbpsAccepted%Acc%TotKB/artCheckIhaveSpamTooOldRejsErrs
1 feeder5.feed.usenet.farm   9.64GB 67.12 935.78 3073034 15.97 3.58 332.71 19206696 0 0 0 30381 0
2 feeder1.feed.usenet.farm   4.08GB 28.42 396.24 27112580 85.92 31.58 359.41 31542278 0 0 0 13019 0
3 feeder.ecngs.de   398.64MB 2.71 37.80 53203998 77.88 61.97 711.80 60882017 0 0 0 7430162 0
4 iqoq.erje.net   85.61MB 0.58 8.12 974798 35.30 1.14 15.00 2756009 0 0 0 5827 0
5 kotz.erje.net   83.13MB 0.57 7.88 914890 33.37 1.07 15.07 2724555 0 0 0 17243 0
6 imqag.erje.net   23.12MB 0.16 2.19 75266 14.15 0.09 14.32 530146 0 0 0 1795 0
7   22.16MB 0.15 497.35 4723 19.98 0.01 372.22 23576 0 0 0 61 0
8 ixni.erje.net   20.55MB 0.14 1.95 81185 9.38 0.09 17.59 863793 0 0 0 1762 0
9   11.65MB 0.08 265.13 19072 73.46 0.02 371.86 25931 0 0 0 32 0
10 sxng.erje.net   4.81MB 0.03 0.46 58302 7.79 0.07 13.79 748019 0 0 0 388 0
11 irena.erje.net   2.82MB 0.02 0.27 32380 9.99 0.04 19.54 323927 0 0 0 116 0
12 newsfeed.neva.ru   2.62MB 0.02 0.25 244764 38.45 0.29 30.91 636390 0 0 0 158 0
13 goblin.stu.neva.ru   1.21MB 0.01 0.11 11779 6.71 0.01 18.39 175487 0 0 0 48 0
14 feeder8.news.weretis.net   133.57KB 0.00 0.02 12027 43.28 0.01 3.36 27754 0 0 0 36 0
15 feeds.phibee-telecom.net   113.13KB 0.00 0.03 10332 23.87 0.01 3.88 43257 0 0 0 35 0
16 vsrv1.fsn.de.weretis.net   92.17KB 0.00 0.02 11779 54.82 0.01 4.22 21462 0 0 0 24 0
17 vsrv1.qas.us.weretis.net   39.91KB 0.00 0.03 1291 16.31 0.00 3.91 7902 0 0 0 15 0
18 srv1.nyc.us.weretis.net   22.44KB 0.00 0.01 3990 10.83 0.00 4.15 36842 0 0 0 9 0
19   18.22KB 0.00 0.48 1858 58.61 0.00 14.34 3168 0 0 0 2 0
Total 14.36GB 100.00 2154.12 85848048 0.00 100.00 567.13 120579209 0 0 0 7501113 0


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4. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Time

00 3180181 3.70 1.82TB 4.02 4470375 0 0 404129 0
01 3296242 3.84 1.77TB 3.91 4551080 0 0 411132 0
02 3136815 3.65 1.77TB 3.91 4155610 0 0 354359 0
03 3365444 3.92 1.78TB 3.92 4349327 0 0 406163 0
04 3083263 3.59 1.74TB 3.83 4102690 0 0 385353 0
05 3448270 4.02 1.71TB 3.78 4817839 0 0 263930 0
06 3465082 4.04 1.69TB 3.72 4858730 0 0 277224 0
07 3413722 3.98 1.76TB 3.88 4738657 0 0 209114 0
08 3513354 4.09 1.87TB 4.12 4902910 0 0 244949 0
09 3585459 4.18 1.98TB 4.37 4889139 0 0 292838 0
10 3606798 4.20 1.96TB 4.31 5087082 0 0 234215 0
11 3714327 4.33 1.95TB 4.30 5421521 0 0 266268 0
12 3538917 4.12 1.85TB 4.07 5233415 0 0 266100 0
13 3747436 4.37 2.01TB 4.44 5467403 0 0 430697 0
14 3303672 3.85 1.80TB 3.98 4551013 0 0 297390 0
15 3665055 4.27 1.91TB 4.22 5109727 0 0 342319 0
16 3801883 4.43 1.94TB 4.28 5135848 0 0 339503 0
17 3811606 4.44 1.94TB 4.27 5527866 0 0 265441 0
18 3696415 4.31 1.94TB 4.27 5299383 0 0 288994 0
19 3314305 3.86 1.80TB 3.98 4551773 0 0 426936 0
20 3412142 3.97 1.88TB 4.15 4643149 0 0 272660 0
21 4094512 4.77 2.08TB 4.59 5696194 0 0 165957 0
22 4193817 4.89 2.14TB 4.71 6229199 0 0 191332 0
23 4459331 5.19 2.25TB 4.97 6789279 0 0 464110 0
Total 85848048 100.00 45.34TB 100.00 120579209 0 0 7501113 0


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5. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Article

Outgoing Feed (+ Top1000 #)Accepted%Acc%TotArt/secVolume%VolKB/artDupsRejs% Ratio (Out/In)
1 feeder.ecngs.de   32511553 99.43 39.10 376.29 10.04TB 59.55 331.50 185207 1 61.11
2 nbr.elbracht.net   30382014 99.83 36.54 351.64 21.93GB 0.13 0.76 51153 1120
3 spool1.ecngs.de   19885934 99.52 23.92 230.16 6.79TB 40.29 366.64 92889 2503
4 ecngs-proxad.newsfeed.proxad.net   335140 13.73 0.40 3.88 5.20GB 0.03 16.27 2099667 6111
5 ecngs-in.feeder.erje.net   19145 8.51 0.02 0.22 210.29MB 0.00 11.25 187475 18446
6 ecngs-feed-me.usenet.farm   6502 0.09 0.01 0.08 785.90MB 0.00 123.77 7068163 385
7 feeds.phibee-telecom.net   1239 2.83 0.00 0.01 4.77MB 0.00 3.94 42256 241 11.99
8 ecngs-in.news.weretis.net   193 0.33 0.00 0.00 960.73KB 0.00 4.98 56801 713
9   16 14.55 0.00 0.00 17.28KB 0.00 1.08 94 0
10 ecngs.de-in.nntp.neva.ru   0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00KB 0.00 0.00 1566752 0
11 ecngs-in.newsfeed.netcologne.de   0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00KB 0.00 0.00 24285 0
Total 83141736 0.88 100.00 962.29 16.86TB 100.00 217.68 11374742 29520 96.85


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6. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Volume

Outgoing Feed (+ Top1000 #)Volume%VolKbpsAccepted%Acc%TotKB/artDupsRejs% Ratio (Out/In)
1 spool1.ecngs.de   6.79TB 40.29 675089.08 19885934 99.52 23.92 366.64 92889 2503
2 feeder.ecngs.de   10.04TB 59.55 997925.89 32511553 99.43 39.10 331.50 185207 1 28.46
3 nbr.elbracht.net   21.93GB 0.13 2129.14 30382014 99.83 36.54 0.76 51153 1120
4 ecngs-proxad.newsfeed.proxad.net   5.20GB 0.03 504.81 335140 13.73 0.40 16.27 2099667 6111
5 ecngs-feed-me.usenet.farm   785.90MB 0.00 74.52 6502 0.09 0.01 123.77 7068163 385
6 ecngs-in.feeder.erje.net   210.29MB 0.00 19.94 19145 8.51 0.02 11.25 187475 18446
7 feeds.phibee-telecom.net   4.77MB 0.00 0.45 1239 2.83 0.00 3.94 42256 241 12.20
8 ecngs-in.news.weretis.net   960.73KB 0.00 0.09 193 0.33 0.00 4.98 56801 713
9   17.28KB 0.00 0.00 16 14.55 0.00 1.08 94 0
10 ecngs.de-in.nntp.neva.ru   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 1566752 0
11 ecngs-in.newsfeed.netcologne.de   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 24285 0
Total 16.86TB 100.00 1675743.92 83141736 0.88 100.00 217.68 11374742 29520 37.17


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7. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Estimated Rejected Volume

Outgoing Feed (+ Top1000 #)Rej. Vol.%VolKbpsAccepted%Acc%TotKB/artDupsRejs% Ratio (Out/In)
1 ecngs-in.feeder.erje.net   197.24MB 61.00 18.70 19145 8.51 0.02 11.25 187475 18446
2 ecngs-proxad.newsfeed.proxad.net   89.65MB 27.73 8.50 335140 13.73 0.40 16.27 2099667 6111
3 spool1.ecngs.de   30.01MB 9.28 2.85 19885934 99.52 23.92 366.64 92889 2503
4 ecngs-feed-me.usenet.farm   4.31MB 1.33 0.41 6502 0.09 0.01 123.77 7068163 385
5 nbr.elbracht.net   884.20KB 0.27 0.08 30382014 99.83 36.54 0.76 51153 1120
6 feeds.phibee-telecom.net   825.16KB 0.25 0.08 1239 2.83 0.00 3.94 42256 241 2.06
7 ecngs-in.news.weretis.net   464.31KB 0.14 0.04 193 0.33 0.00 4.98 56801 713
8 feeder.ecngs.de   12.07KB 0.00 0.00 32511553 99.43 39.10 331.50 185207 1 0.00
9 ecngs.de-in.nntp.neva.ru   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 1566752 0
10 ecngs-in.newsfeed.netcologne.de   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 24285 0
11   0.00KB 0.00 0.00 16 14.55 0.00 1.08 94 0
Total 323.35MB 100.00 30.66 83141736 0.88 100.00 217.68 11374742 29520 0.00


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8. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Time

00 2651082 3.19 582.40GB 3.37 468467 1636
01 3110603 3.74 666.40GB 3.86 342307 1846
02 2696023 3.24 583.99GB 3.38 509209 828
03 3284745 3.95 636.76GB 3.69 340452 846
04 2587554 3.11 520.65GB 3.02 366796 1816
05 3637940 4.38 633.40GB 3.67 273484 1019
06 3839607 4.62 710.18GB 4.11 405547 1201
07 3395686 4.08 598.01GB 3.46 458946 1320
08 3358529 4.04 679.58GB 3.94 647225 1272
09 3116540 3.75 748.73GB 4.34 404563 1065
10 3706464 4.46 827.03GB 4.79 652748 1002
11 4060384 4.88 840.29GB 4.87 618572 1223
12 3644753 4.38 747.24GB 4.33 474129 962
13 4002861 4.81 862.35GB 5.00 647108 1105
14 3024870 3.64 645.25GB 3.74 338060 1130
15 3724034 4.48 755.67GB 4.38 318857 1225
16 3956838 4.76 809.72GB 4.69 394103 1079
17 4116264 4.95 904.52GB 5.24 375234 1291
18 3666496 4.41 778.83GB 4.51 537410 1050
19 2094897 2.52 455.88GB 2.64 561638 1732
20 2399783 2.89 555.66GB 3.22 592343 1855
21 3401607 4.09 712.56GB 4.13 569554 1118
22 4523041 5.44 967.50GB 5.61 529459 1079
23 5141135 6.18 1.01TB 6.01 548531 820
Total 83141736 100.00 16.86TB 100.00 11374742 29520


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>= 20% Full >= 35% Full >= 50% Full >= 65% Full >= 80% Full >= 95% Full

9. Summary of Outgoing Queue

Outgoing FeedBatch SeqBatch NumBatch Max%FullAv. Pending
cambrium-out-l-2 581777-581781 4 3 133 0.0
cambrium-out-l-1 581782-581786 4 3 133 0.0
cambrium-out-l 584853-584857 4 3 133 0.0
xenna-out-s 585439-585444 5 4 125 0.0
xenna-out-l4 584701-584706 5 4 125 0.0
xenna-out-l3 584707-584712 5 4 125 0.0
xenna-out-l2 584681-584686 5 4 125 0.0
xenna-out-l1 584696-584701 5 4 125 0.0
usenetexp-s 585441-585446 5 4 125 0.0
usenetexp-l1 584757-584762 5 4 125 0.0
usenetexp-l 584751-584756 5 4 125 0.0
neva-s 585459-585464 5 4 125 1.2
freenet-s 585453-585458 5 4 125 0.0
eweka-s 585459-585464 5 4 125 0.0
eweka-l5 581504-581509 5 4 125 0.0
eweka-l4 581499-581504 5 4 125 0.0
eweka-l3 584712-584717 5 4 125 0.0
eweka-l2 581487-581492 5 4 125 0.0
eweka-l1 581497-581502 5 4 125 0.0
eweka-l 584717-584722 5 4 125 0.0
cambrium-out-s 585457-585463 6 5 120 0.0
giga-out-s 585456-585463 7 6 116 0.0
neva-s-1 578521-578525 4 4 100 3.0
netcologne-out-s 317203-317209 6 6 100 7.3
giga-out-l 572016-572022 6 6 100 0.0
usenet-farm-out-s 585441-585442 1 4 25 3.5
proxad-s 585463-585464 1 4 25 7.3
erje-s 585451-585452 1 4 25 3.7
phibee-s 585457-585458 1 5 20 3.4
spool1-out-s 585455-585456 1 6 16 3.9
nbr.elbracht.net-o-1 585455-585456 1 6 16 0.0
nbr.elbracht.net-o 585455-585456 1 6 16 0.0
feeder-ecngs-out-s 585455-585456 1 6 16 3.0
feeder-ecngs-out-l3 497961-497962 1 6 16 1.4
usenet-farm-out-l2 384269-384269 0 4 0 1.2
usenet-farm-out-l1 383122-383122 0 4 0 1.3
usenet-farm-out-l 571904-571904 0 4 0 1.4
spool1-out-l8 493665-493665 0 6 0 1.2
spool1-out-l7 493608-493608 0 6 0 1.2
spool1-out-l6 493644-493644 0 6 0 1.2
spool1-out-l5 493638-493638 0 6 0 1.2
spool1-out-l4 493607-493607 0 6 0 1.1
spool1-out-l3 493502-493502 0 6 0 1.2
spool1-out-l2 493524-493524 0 6 0 1.2
spool1-out-l12 493665-493665 0 6 0 1.1
spool1-out-l11 493865-493865 0 6 0 1.2
spool1-out-l10 493582-493582 0 6 0 1.2
spool1-out-l1 493674-493674 0 6 0 1.2
spool1-out-l 493597-493597 0 6 0 1.2
nbr.elbracht.net-c 70843-70843 0 6 0 0.0
feeder-ecngs-out-l7 497736-497736 0 6 0 1.4
feeder-ecngs-out-l6 498005-498005 0 6 0 1.4
feeder-ecngs-out-l5 498076-498076 0 6 0 1.4
feeder-ecngs-out-l4 497969-497969 0 6 0 1.4
feeder-ecngs-out-l2 497906-497906 0 6 0 1.4
feeder-ecngs-out-l1 497837-497837 0 6 0 1.4
feeder-ecngs-out-l 497892-497892 0 6 0 1.4
Goto top of page

10. Summary of Curious Activity

1st TimeLast Time# MsgsMessage
00:00:01  23:59:06 12800 feeder1.feed.usenet.farm Path element fails to match aliases: feeder1.feed.usenet.farm
00:00:01  23:55:01 10341 feed-in.de.xennanews.com: hostname lookup failure: feed-in.de.xennanews.com:(null): Name or service not known
00:02:11  23:57:12 5760 hq-usenetpeers.eweka.nl: Connection timed out
00:00:01  23:55:02 4595 ecngs.nntp.giganews.com: 502 access denied
00:00:01  23:06:09 4353 feeder5.feed.usenet.farm Path element fails to match aliases: feeder5.feed.usenet.farm
00:02:12  23:57:11 3456 ecngs-in.feeder.usenetexpress.com: Connection timed out
00:00:01  23:57:11 3456 ecngs-in.feeder.usenetexpress.com: Connection refused
00:07:11  23:57:11 1159 ecngs.de-in.nntp.neva.ru: Connection timed out
00:00:01  23:55:01 1152 newsfeed.freenet.ag: hostname lookup failure: newsfeed.freenet.ag:(null): Name or service not known
00:02:01  23:58:56 1151 iqoq.erje.net Path element fails to match aliases: 3.eu.feeder.erje.net
00:00:22  23:59:32 1147 kotz.erje.net Path element fails to match aliases: 2.eu.feeder.erje.net
00:02:09  23:57:02 857 ixni.erje.net Path element fails to match aliases: 1.us.feeder.erje.net
00:00:18  23:55:19 834 sxng.erje.net Path element fails to match aliases: 1.as.feeder.erje.net
00:03:46  23:58:48 574 imqag.erje.net Path element fails to match aliases: 3.us.feeder.erje.net
00:00:01  23:55:01 288 feeds.phibee-telecom.net: Connection refused
00:00:01  23:55:01 288 ecngs-in.newsfeed.netcologne.de: hostname lookup failure: ecngs-in.newsfeed.netcologne.de:(null): Name or service not known
00:03:31  23:58:35 284 irena.erje.net Path element fails to match aliases: 4.us.feeder.erje.net
00:16:10  23:57:19 100 newsfeed.neva.ru Path element fails to match aliases: goblin2
00:07:13  23:54:03 99 goblin.stu.neva.ru Path element fails to match aliases: goblin1
00:50:03  18:50:19 94 spool1.ecngs.de: (unknown error)
00:14:11  23:48:10 48 newsfeed.neva.ru Path element fails to match aliases: goblin3
00:05:02  23:55:01 47 ecngs-feed-me.usenet.farm: Connection refused
06:18:22  19:24:20 41 feeder.ecngs.de: Remote EOF, attempting to reconnect
05:20:59  05:18:15 37 spool1.ecngs.de: Remote EOF, attempting to reconnect
16:55:01  19:30:33 27 feed-in.de.xennanews.com: hostname lookup failure: feed-in.de.xennanews.com:(null): Temporary failure in name resolution
06:04:03  17:27:16 9 srv1.nyc.us.weretis.net Path element fails to match aliases: weretis.net
08:26:59  08:29:07 8 nbr.elbracht.net: Remote EOF, attempting to reconnect
05:40:16  11:45:33 8 ecngs.nntp.giganews.com: (unknown error)
04:15:34  17:53:24 6 vsrv1.fsn.de.weretis.net Path element fails to match aliases: weretis.net
04:16:01  17:24:02 6 feeder8.news.weretis.net Path element fails to match aliases: weretis.net
08:40:00  02:45:52 6 ecngs-in.feeder.erje.net: Remote EOF, attempting to reconnect
14:57:11  14:58:11 6 DNS Fwd/Rev mismatch: lookup of feeder5.feed.usenet.farm failed
14:57:11  14:58:11 6 DNS Fwd/Rev mismatch: lookup of feeder1.feed.usenet.farm failed
14:57:11  14:58:11 6 Path element fails to match aliases: feeder5.feed.usenet.farm
14:57:11  14:58:11 6 Path element fails to match aliases: feeder1.feed.usenet.farm
05:23:51  17:53:19 3 vsrv1.qas.us.weretis.net Path element fails to match aliases: weretis.net
08:12:11  03:27:13 3 ecngs.nntp.giganews.com: Connection timed out
00:24:49  00:25:30 2 ecngs-in.feeder.erje.net: Connection refused
05:31:21   1 ecngs-proxad.newsfeed.proxad.net: Remote EOF, attempting to reconnect
22:40:01   1 ecngs-feed-me.usenet.farm: hostname lookup failure: ecngs-feed-me.usenet.farm:(null): Temporary failure in name resolution
08:32:52   1 DNS Fwd/Rev mismatch: zg-1220e-199.stretchoid.com/
20:19:47   1 DNS Fwd/Rev mismatch: visit.keznews.com/
11:24:59   1 DNS Fwd/Rev mismatch: lookup of scanner-26.ch1.censys-scanner.com failed
20:51:18   1 DNS Fwd/Rev mismatch: apzg-0727-m-053.stretchoid.com/
23:44:33   1 Path element fails to match aliases: 2.eu.feeder.erje.net
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